
19 October 2012


Poppies is the theme of the Delicious Doodles challenge this week and the brilliant red of poppies inspired the colours in this card.  I had to go with cream and chocolate as the coordinating tones with just a dash of purple.

You can get yourself  a copy of this fabulous image at Delicious Doodles store.  I hope you can join us, don't forget if you use a Delicious Doodles image to enter your name twice and you will be spotlighted.

Kasey ~ in Oz


  1. Good Morning Kasey, gorgeous card, love the poppies. xx Flora

  2. Hi Kasey gorgeous card love the image which you have coloured beautifully and the layout is fabulous. Caroline xxx

  3. Beautiful as always Kasey. Your work is always so lovely :) The ribbon looks grand as does the beautiful rich red tones :) Sorry for not being around much lately - it has been a crazy few weeks!!! we got settlement today though woohoo!!! xx

  4. This is so pretty! I really like that lacey doily behind.


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